Background: On the basis of some case reports, a relationship has been sugg
ested between hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) and the development of nonmelan
oma skin cancer.
Objectives: To confirm this relationship and to explore the risk of other c
ancers among patients with HS.
Patients: Patients with a discharge diagnosis of HS were obtained from the
computerized database of hospital discharge diagnoses from January 1, 1965,
through December 31, 1997. A total of 2119 patients with HS were identifie
Setting: All hospitals in Sweden.
Design: With record linkage to the Swedish National Cancer Registry, standa
rdized incidence ratios (SIR [the ratio of the observed to expected inciden
ce]) were calculated to estimate relative risk.
Results: The risk of developing ally cancer in the cohort with HS increased
50% (95% confidence interval of SIR, 1.1-1.8, based on 73 observed cases).
Statistically significant risk elevations were observed for nonmelanoma sk
in cancer (5 cases; SIR, 4.6; 95% confidence interval, 1.5-10.7), buccal ca
ncer (5 cases; SIR, 5.5; 95% confidence interval, 1.8-12.9), and primary li
ver cancer (3 cases; SIR, 10.0; 95% confidence interval, 2.1-29.2).
Conclusions: This study confirms an increased risk of nonmelanoma skin canc
er among patients with HS. The risk for buccal cancer and primary liver can
cer was also elevated among this cohort, but these associations should be i
nterpreted cautiously because the combination of multiple significance rest
ing and the few observed cases may have generated chance findings.