Local winds were studied around a valley city, by using a high resolution t
wo-dimensional mesoscale model forced by surface temperatures from a measur
ement campaign around Lanzhou City, China, during stagnant conditions. In t
he simulations nighttime winds are purely katabatic downslope winds without
urban effects, despite the fact that the city is 6-7 degreesC warmer than
its surroundings all night. In contrast, daytime near-surface winds result
from upslope flow resisted by an opposing simultaneous urban heat-island ci
rculation (UHIC). Hence winds remain weak and variable around a city in a n
arrow valley during daytime. These conditions may lead to severe air qualit
y problems day and night.
The local circulations are sensitive to the widths of the valley and/or cit
y, and also latitude, as is demonstrated by model experiments. Interestingl
y, in a flat and calm environment an extratropical daytime UHIC cell may tu
rn into a weak 'anti-UHIC' by the morning, due to frictional decoupling aft
er sunset and subsequent inertial oscillation during the night, analogously
to the land breeze and nocturnal low-level jet formation.