The relationship between ponderal, linear and lower leg growth in children
recovering from severe malnutrition remains unclear. We report on the early
growth of 141 severely malnourished Bangladeshi children aged 6 to 36 mont
hs of age who were followed for 90 d. Mean (sd) weight for height (WHZ) and
height for age (HAZ) catch-up growth z scores over the 90 d were 1.6 (0.85
) and 0.47 (0.325) respectively. Mean (sd) lower leg length growth was 10.3
5 (4.5) mm. Change in HAZ was significantly associated with initial WHZ, bu
t linear growth occurred in the presence of severe wasting and no threshold
WHZ score was identified. Lower leg length gain correlated throughout with
ponderal indices but with change in HAZ score only after day 45. Only init
ial WHZ score and maternal height predicted for linear growth and only acco
unted for 20 % of total variance. We conclude that linear growth occurs ear
ly in severely malnourished children but that knemometry behaves as a ponde
ral index acutely.