Pancreas tuberculosis is a rare diagnosis and is usually associated with mi
liary spread. Only a few cases are reported in the literature. A female pat
ient was admitted with a history of uncharacteristic abdominal pain, weight
loss, weakness, and intermittent fever. CA 19-9 was increased and the CT s
can showed an irregular mass in the pancreatic tail. Suspecting the diagnos
is of pancreatic cancer, a pancreas tail resection with splenectomy was per
formed, The histological examination showed pancreas tuberculosis. Mimickin
g pancreatic cancer or presenting with acute/chronic pancreatitis or obstru
ctive jaundice, the diagnosis of pancreas tuberculosis is very difficult to
make and is usually established after surgical treatment. Although pancrea
s tuberculosis is rare, it should be considered when evaluating a pancreati
c mass.