The extent of human sodium iodide symporter (hNIS) expression in different
kinds of human thyroid cancer tissues and cell lines remains controversial.
In this study, polyclonal antibodies to hNIS were used to analyze the expr
ession of symporter protein in benign and malignant human thyroid tissues.
Formalin-fixed, paraffin wax-embedded tissue sections were used. Staining w
as performed using primary polyclonal antibody of rabbit anti-human hNIS di
luted in PBS (1:500). Results showed that 2 of 3 normal tissue, 3 of 6 nodu
lar hyperplasia, one follicular adenoma, 3 of 11 papillary thyroid carcinom
a, 1 of 5 follicular carcinoma and none of 3 metastatic thyroid epithelial
tissue specimens stained positively for hNIS. A higher percentage of positi
ve staining for symporter protein was found in benign thyroid tissues inclu
ding normal thyroid tissue, nodular hyperplasia, and adenoma (60%). In cont
rast, papillary and follicular thyroid carcinomas demonstrated lower sympor
ter protein expression (20%). In conclusion, although the number of tissue
samples examined in this study was small, hNIS staining found a higher rati
o of sym porter protein expression in normal and benign thyroid tissues com
pared with malignant tissues. Determination of the reason for discrepancies
in the expression of hNIS in in vivo and in vitro studies will require fur
ther investigation.