Although the genetic components of mating systems in fungi are well underst
ood as laboratory phenomena, surprisingly little is known about their funct
ion in nature or about their role in determining mating patterns and popula
tion genetic structure. Our study of the mating system of the haploid ascom
ycete fungus, Cryphonectria parasitica, resulted in the following. (1) Labo
ratory crosses among 20 isolates, chosen randomly from North America and Ch
ina, resolved into two incompatibility groups (occurring on both continents
), confirming that C. parasitica has a diallelic, bipolar sexual self-incom
patibility system, typical of other self-incompatible Ascomycetes, in which
mating is only successful between isolates of opposite mating type. (2) PC
R-based markers for mating-type alleles correlated perfectly with mating-ty
pe phenotypes of individual isolates. (3) Three genotypes, isolated from na
tural populations in Virginia and West Virginia, were inoculated onto chest
nut trees in two sites in West Virginia and were confirmed to have self-fer
tilized and outcrossed in both sites. (4) Ten isolates, of a total of over
200 assayed, were confirmed to have self-fertilized in the laboratory, albe
it at very low frequency. Five of these 10 isolates were ramets of a single
genet, suggesting a genetic basis underlying the proclivity to self-fertil
ize in the laboratory. (5) Self-fertilization could not be induced in the l
aboratory with exudates (ostensibly containing pheromones) from isolates of
opposite mating type. These results demonstrate that, a sexual self-incomp
atibility system notwithstanding, self-fertilization occurs under both labo
ratory and field conditions in C. parasitica. The disparity between observa
tions of frequent selfing in nature and rare selfing in the laboratory sugg
ests that the mating system is under ecological as well as genetic control.