This paper examines the relations between changes in the beliefs of an indi
vidual student and the distribution of beliefs in a classroom. The distribu
tion of beliefs among students is termed here 'conceptual environment'. Bas
ed on social views of learning, we suggest that conceptual environment is a
n indicator of the conceptual tension in a group.
We show that conceptual change of individuals does not necessarily result i
n changes in the classroom conceptual environment. Conceptual change is nor
mally viewed as a personal process. We look at the relations between indivi
dual conceptual change (a microscopic view) and total classroom conceptual
change (a macroscopic, system view).
We study changes in students' ideas of a food chain. Then we look for under
lying ontological beliefs that may explain students' ideas, and examine cha
nges in students' responses prior and consequent to the instruction session
s. Classroom concepts of a food chain reflect an underlying set of beliefs
of a mechanistic nature. For instance the metaphor of a 'chain of beads' is
employed to explain the relations among elements of a food chain.
Though more than half of the students changed their responses, ontological
beliefs were hardly changed. Changes in students' responses apparently canc
elled each other, thus from the classroom point of view, only a minor chang
e was identified in the overall conceptual environment. The social-conceptu
al tension involved in conceptual change is not necessarily changed.