Structural studies of Bordetella endotoxins (LPSs) have revealed remarkable
differences: (i) between their LPSs and those of other bacterial pathogens
; (ii) among the LPSs of the seven identified Bordetella species; and (iii)
among the LPSs of some Bordetella strains. The lipid As have the 'classica
l' bisphosphorylated diglucosamine backbone but tend to have fewer and spec
ies-specific fatty acid components compared to those of other genera. Never
theless, three strains of B. bronchiseptica have at least three different f
atty acid distributions; however, the recently identified B. hinzii and B.
trematum LPSs had identical lipid A structures. The B. pertussis core is a
dodecasaccharide multi-branched structure bearing amino and carboxylic grou
ps. Another unusual feature is the presence of free amino sugars in the cen
tral core region and a complex distal trisaccharide unit containing five am
ino groups of which four are acetylated and one is methylated. The B. pertu
ssis LPS does not have O-chains and that of B. trematum had only a single O
-unit, unlike the LPSs of all the other species of the smooth-type. The O-c
hain-free cores of non-B. pertussis LPSs were always built on the B. pertus
sis core model but most were species-specifically incomplete. The LPS struc
tures of three B. bronchiseptica strains were found to be different from ea
ch other. The O-chains of B. bronchiseptica and B, parapertussis were almos
t identical and had some features in common with B. hinzii O-chain. Serolog
ical analyses are consistent with the determined LPS structures.