We made quarterly determinations of the transfer coefficients and effective
transfer coefficients for the radionuclides Cs-137, Sr-90, K-40, Ra-226, R
a-228 and Th-228 over a full annual cycle, in a Mediterranean grazing-land
ecosystem. The input and output fluxes of the radionuclides between the dif
ferent compartments of this ecosystem were quantified for the following pro
cesses: root uptake; variation in root and aerial biomass; pasture producti
on; translocation; leaf fall; efflux due to grazing action; resuspension an
d subsequent aerial deposition of radionuclides. We observed there to be a
marked seasonal variation for this type of ecosystem in both the transfer c
oefficients and the radionuclide fluxes, which impedes the soil-plant trans
fer being characterized on the basis of values that are constant with time.
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