We investigate the process of Rossby wave breaking on the subtropical tropo
pause and the resulting filamentary structures of stratospheric air transpo
rted into the upper tropical troposphere. We make extensive use of the Meas
urements of Ozone by Airbus In-Service Aircraft (MOZAIC) flight database, b
oth for identifying individual wave-breaking events and for analyzing the s
mall-scale features of the filamentation process. Two models are used to pr
ovide a dynamically consistent description of the evolution of a particular
wave-breaking event, one a limited area, high-resolution general circulati
on model, MesoNH, the other an isentropic contour advection model. The abil
ity of both of these to represent the small-scale evolution of the filament
is examined by explicit comparison with the MOZAIC ozone data; at larger s
cales, comparison is made with analyses from the European Centre for Medium
-Range Weather Forecasts. Two other wave-breaking events are presented brie
fly, on the one hand, verifying that the filamentary structure is ubiquitou
s, on the other hand, illustrating additional, distinct features of the evo
lution. A simple analysis of all the MOZAIC flights over the southern tropi
cal Atlantic provides an indication of the frequency of wave-breaking event
s over this region. Together with the small-scale development suggested by
the model studies and present in the MOZAIC data we infer a potentially sig
nificant contribution to the global stratosphere-troposphere exhange from t
he wave-breaking processes.