The mechanical properties, fracture toughness, fracture surface morphology,
and failure mechanisms of different layers in a premium railhead were stud
ied. Correlation between the mechanical properties and the failure mechanis
ms for each of the layers was made. It has been found that the microstructu
re and mechanical properties of the top layer are different from those of t
he inner layers, while the middle layer and the layer near the web demonstr
ated similar mechanical properties, microstructure, and fracture toughness.
The top layer displayed 15% higher tensile strength than the other two lay
ers, However, the strain to failure of the top layer, 11%, is only about 60
% of that of the inner layers, 17.5%. The top layer has a fracture toughnes
s, K-lc, of 75 MPa m(1/2). This value for the inner layers is about 95 MPa
m(1/2). Thus, the heat treatment decreases the ductility and fracture tough
ness of the top layer of the railhead, Transition from the brittlelike frac
ture mechanism of the top layer into a more ductile mechanism of the inner
layers was also found.