Physicians and other therapists continue to grapple in daily practice with
the controversies of the late whiplash syndrome. For decades much of the de
bate and the approach to this controversial syndrome has centred on the nat
ural history of and progression to chronic pain after acute whiplash injury
. Recognising that there is recent epidemiological data that defines the na
tural history of the acute whiplash injury outside of many of the confoundi
ng factors occurring in many western countries, and the lack of evidence fo
r a ('chronic whiplash injury)), this article will thus introduce the biops
ychosocial model, its elements, its advantages over the traditional model,
and the practical application of this model. The biopsychosocial model reco
gnises physical and psychological souces of somatic symptoms, but fundament
ally recognises that the late whiplash syndrome is not the result of a "chr
onic injury".