A patient with suspected brain stem glioma involving the area of the left v
estibular nuclei and cerebellar peduncle, developed paroxysmal alternating
skew deviation and direction changing nystagmus after biopsy of the inferio
r cerebellar vermis resulting in destruction of the uvula. Between attacks
she had right over left skew deviation with asymptomatic right beating hori
zontal nystagmus. Slow phases of the resting nystagmus showed increasing ve
locity, similar to congenital nystagmus. At intervals of 40-50 seconds, par
oxysmal reversal of her skew deviation occurred, accompanied by violent lef
t beating horizontal torsional nystagmus lasting 10-12 seconds and causing
severe oscillopsia. It is proposed that this complex paroxysmal eye movemen
t disorder results from (1) a lesion in the left vestibular nuclei causing
right over left skew and right beating resting nystagmus and (2) a disrupti
on of cerebellar inhibition of vestibular nuclei, causing alternating activ
ity in the vestibular system with intermittent reversal of the skew deviati
on and paroxysmal nystagmus towards the side of the lesion.