This research presents new data and reanalyzed information to refute the cr
iticisms of our model of stiffness control during quiet standing. A re-revi
ew of their references to biomechanical research on muscle ankle stiffness
confirmed muscle stiffness estimates of the ankle series elastic elements t
hat agreed closely with our estimates. A new technique is presented that di
rectly estimates the muscle stiffness from the ankle moment (N.m) and sway
angle (deg). The linear regression of 10 subjects standing quietly for 10 s
estimated the stiffness (N.m/deg) to be safely above the gravitational spr
ing. The R-2 scores for this linear regression averaged 0.92, confirming ho
w closely the model approached a perfect spring that would have an R-2 = 1.
These results confirm our model of a simple muscle stiffness control and r
efutes the criticisms.