J. Xu et al., Blockade of endogenous neurotrophic factors prevents the androgenic rescueof rat spinal motoneurons, J NEUROSC, 21(12), 2001, pp. 4366-4372
Target-derived neurotrophic factors are assumed to regulate motoneuron cell
death during development but remain unspecified. Motoneuron cell death in
the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) of rats extends postnatally
and is controlled by androgens. We exploited these features of the SNB sys
tem to identify endogenously produced trophic factors regulating motoneuron
survival. Newborn female rat pups were treated with the androgen, testoste
rone propionate, or the oil vehicle alone. In addition, females received tr
ophic factor antagonists delivered either into the perineum (the site of SN
B target muscles) or systemically. Fusion molecules that bind and sequester
the neurotrophins (trkA-IgG, trkB-IgG, and trkC-IgG) were used to block ac
tivation of neurotrophin receptors, and AADH-CNTF was used to antagonize si
gnaling through the ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor-alpha (CNTFR alpha
). An acute blockade of trkB, trkC, or CNTFR alpha prevented the androgenic
sparing of SNB motoneurons when antagonists were delivered to the perineum
. Trophic factor antagonists did not significantly reduce SNB motoneuron nu
mber when higher doses were injected systemically. These findings demonstra
te a requirement for specific, endogenously produced trophic factors in the
androgenic rescue of SNB motoneurons and further suggest that trophic fact
or interactions at the perineum play a crucial role in masculinization of t
his neural system.