Psychophysical single-pulse forward-masking (SPFM) recovery functions were
measured for three electrodes in each of eight subjects with the nucleus mi
ni-22 cochlear implant. Masker and probe stimuli were single 200-mus/phase
biphasic current pulses. Recovery functions were measured at several masker
levels spanning the electric dynamic range of electrodes chosen from the a
pical, middle, and basal regions of each subject's electrode array. Recover
y functions were described by an exponential process in which threshold shi
ft (in muA) decreased exponentially with increasing time delay between the
masker and probe pulses. Two recovery processes were observed: An initial,
rapid-recovery process with an average time constant of 5.5 ms was complete
by about 10 ms. A second, slow-recovery process-involved less masking than
the rapid-recovery process but encompassed much longer time delays, someti
mes as long as several hundred milliseconds. Growth-of-masking slopes for t
he rapid process depended upon time delay, as expected in an exponential re
covery process. Unity slopes were observed at a time delay of 0 ms, whereas
progressively shallower slopes were observed at time delays of 2 ms and 5
ms. Many recovery functions demonstrated nonmonotonicities or ''facilitatio
n'' at very short masker-probe delays (1-2 ms). Such nonmonotonicities were
usually most pronounced at low masker levels. Time constants for the rapid
-recovery process did not vary systematically with masker level or with ele
ctrode location along the implanted array. Most subjects' demonstrated rapi
d-recovery time constants less than 7 ms; however, the subject with the lon
gest duration of deafness prior to implantation exhibited clearly prolonged
time constants (9-24 ms). Time constants obtained on basal electrodes were
inversely related to word recognition scores. (C) 2001 Acoustical Society
of America.