Thirteen years of encounter data (1984-1996) were used to examine killer wh
ale distribution within Prince William Sound, Alaska. Four patterns of area
use were found, which comprised differences between resident pods and tran
sient groups and differences among resident groups. Resident pods frequente
d large open passages, while transient groups used the narrow passages and
bays in the southwest. This dichotomy likely reflects resident use of salmo
n and transient use of pinniped prey resources, as well as the different fo
raging strategies required for these prey types. Four resident pods (AB, AI
, AJ, and AN) used Knight Island Passage more than other areas of the Sound
; two (AE and AK) used all areas of the Sound more evenly. Use of the Sound
by the AT1 transient whales declined in the latter part of the study. Near
shore foraging for pinniped prey by the AT1 transient whales was more commo
n in areas where these whales spend a disproportionate amount of time, sugg
esting that these areas were critical foraging habitat for them. No similar
pattern emerged for Open-water Foraging for cetaceans by AT1 whales, nor f
or foraging by the resident whales.