Myometrium (upper and lower segment), cervix, chorion and decidua were obta
ined at the time of Caesarean hysterectomy in 15 baboons, 10 at varying ges
tational ages prior to the onset of labour in the last trimester of pregnan
cy, and five in spontaneous labour at term. Expression of currently recogni
zed human lipoxygenase (LOX) genes was determined using Northern blot analy
sis relative to each of three housekeeping genes. Signals of similar size t
o human 5-LOX and human platelet 12-LOX genes were detected in all tissues.
Expression of 5-LOX mRNA in the cervix decreased with advancing gestationa
l age. In decidua, expression of 5-LOX mRNA was higher in tissues from anim
als in labour (compared to those not in labour), whereas in chorion, its ex
pression was lower in tissues from animals in labour, Expression of the pla
telet 12-LOX gene decreased in chorion with advancing gestational age, and
in cervix was lower in tissues from animals in labour. We postulate that th
e variation in expression of LOX genes may play a role in the onset or prom
otion of parturition in the baboon.