Tropical heath forests have accumulations of slowly decomposing organic mat
ter at the soil surface. To test the hypothesis that ectomycorrhizas are mo
re abundant than arbuscular mycorrhizas under such conditions, we compared
the abundance of ectomycorrhizal (EcM) tree species, and the relative propo
rtions of EcM and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) roots, in heath forest and lo
wland rain forest.
The mycorrhizal status of frees in two heath forest and two lowland (mixed
dipterocarp) forest plots in Brunei Darussalam was determined by literature
and field survey. Fine-root density, proportion of EcM roots, and fraction
al colonization of EcM and AM roots were measured in monoliths from organic
and mineral soil.
There was no difference in the relative basal area abundance (10-41%) of Ec
M trees, the proportion of EcM roots in monoliths (8-46%), or fractional co
lonization (90%) of EcM roots, between the two forest types. However, fract
ional colonization of AM roots was higher (54%) in heath forest than in mix
ed dipterocarp forest (27%).
Our data do not support the hypotheses that ectomycorrhizas are more abunda
nt in, or determine the floristic composition of, tropical heath forests. (
C) New Phytologist (2001).