The presence and degree of odor identification deficits in 55 HIV-infe
cted (30 asymptomatic, 25 symptomatic) and 29 HIV-negative at-risk con
trol volunteers were examined longitudinally using the University of P
ennsylvania Smell Identification Test (UPSIT). Factors other than HIV
infection that could account for olfactory loss (i.e., sinusitis or up
per respiratory infection) were also considered by obtaining MRI scans
of the nasal passages and information from an olfaction questionnaire
. No differences were found among groups at the first administration o
f the UPSIT, with significant differences among groups emerging at the
1-year and 2-year follow-ups. The symptomatic group showed a signific
ant decline in odor identification scores across time, while means for
the asymptomatic and control groups remained stable. The presence of
sinusitis or an upper respiratory infection appeared to have no effect
on odor identification. The implications for these findings in relati
onship to cognitive decline in neurodegenerative diseases are discusse
d. (C) 1997 National Academy of Neuropsychology. Published by Elsevier
Science Ltd.