Informed consent requires the communication of information about possible a
dverse effects of treatment. Health professionals have expressed concern th
at increased provision of risk information may make patients unduly anxious
and change their decisions about treatment. This study compared two patien
t leaflets about laparoscopy, one containing detailed information about pot
ential side effects. Forty one consenting participants attending an outpati
ent gynaecology clinic and scheduled for an elective laparoscopic procedure
were studied. They were randomly assigned to receive one of two leaflets a
fter their consultation. Knowledge about laparoscopy, satisfaction with inf
ormation provided, and anxiety were tested 2 days later, between the origin
al consultation and their operation. Results showed that the leaflet contai
ning detailed risk information was associated with greater knowledge about
laparoscopy, higher satisfaction with information provision and no increase
in anxiety. Provision of detailed information about possible adverse conse
quences of treatment can improve patients' understanding and satisfaction w
ithout inducing increased anxiety. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. A
ll rights reserved.