This review covers the key components of calcium handling in cardiac ventri
cular myocytes. Specifically, L-type current, ryanodine receptors, the diad
ic space, SERCA pump uptake into sarcoplasmic reticulum, sodium-calcium exc
hangers, and calcium-binding proteins are reviewed with special focus on at
tempts to mathematically model these entities. In addition to purely single
entities, the review covers other models that have attempted to capture th
e highly interactive and complex Ca sig nailing resulting from the interpla
y of the key components above. These integrative models range in level from
microscopic domains to whole cells including electrophysiological mechanis
ms. In many cases, the differences in competing models reflect the controve
rsies and uncertainties about the underlying biophysical mechanisms. Ultima
tely, each level of modelling, along with experimental work, will be needed
to help elucidate the cellular physiology of this fundamental cardiac sign
alling system.