T-cell depletion prior to or beginning at the time of transplantation has b
een shown to be a valuable adjunct to the induction of immunological unresp
onsiveness, Both total lymphoid irradiation and antilymphocyte globulin hav
e been used for this purpose in experimental models of transplantation as
well as in human organ transplant recipients. However, these methods of T-c
ell depletion are limited in their ability to deplete T cells selectively d
ue to non-specific targeting and limited efficacy. A new anti-CD3 immunotox
in has been developed with a far more potent ability to deplete T cells sel
ectively as measured by flow cytometry analysis of peripheral blood T lymph
ocytes as well as lymph nodes lymphocytes. This immunotoxin is well tolerat
ed by rhesus monkeys when administered in vivo. When administered as a sing
le immunosuppressive agent pretransplant, it substantially promotes allogra
ft survival, inducing tolerance in at least one-third of recipients as meas
ured by subsequent acceptance of donor skin grafts and rejection of third-p
art): skin grafts. When administered on the day of transplant in combinatio
n with steroid pretreatment and a brief course of deoxyspergualin or mycoph
enolate mofetil (4 to 14 days), long-term unresponsiveness is also produced
and in a more reliable manner than using immunotoxin alone. A new immunoto
xin directed at the human CD3 epsilon has been developed with excellent pot
ency in T-cell killing and lacking the Fc portion of the CD3 antibody. This
: construct ma) be useful for T-cell depletion in humans and has a potentia
l application in tolerance induction in human organ transplantation. Lesson
s learned from anti-CDS immunotoxin in the non-human primate model to date
include (i) profound (2-3 log) depletion of T cells ran he accomplished saf
ely without inducing lymphoma or infection, (ii) such depletion is a useful
adjunct for tolerance induction to allogeneic organ transplants, and (iii)
tolerance to both allogeneic renal transplants and xenogeneic islet transp
lants has been accomplished using such strategies to date in non-human prim
ates and in pigs. Immunotoxin ma): l,e useful for the induction of chimeris
m using strategies that include donor bone marrow infusion. Successful stra
tegies for tolerance induction hal e also been developed using immunotoxin
without the adjunct of donor bone marrow or stem cell infusion. Clinical ap
plication of immunotoxin will use a newly engineered construct with the pot
ential for causing cytokine release, less susceptibility to neutralization
by anti-diphtheria antibody and not dependent on chemical conjugation of an
antibody and toxin. The usefulness of immunotoxin is directly related to i
ts tremendous potency for depleting T cells. Based on results in nonhuman p
rimates, it is anticipated that it will become a useful agent in tolerance
induction in humans.