Immune tolerance therapies are designed to reprogramme immune cells in a hi
ghly specific fashion in order to eliminate pathogenic responses but preser
ve nor mal immune function. A concept that has tantalized immunologists for
decades, tolerogenic therapies would replace current lifelong immunosuppre
ssive regimens and their often debilitating side-effects with short-term im
munosuppressive regimens and their often debilitating side-effects with sho
rt-term, effective cures. Significant advances have been made over the past
decade that have provided a more detailed understanding of the molecular e
vents associated with T-cell recognition and activation. Unprecedented oppo
rtunities to test these approaches in a variety of human diseases have now
emerged. As a result of these advances, the Immune Tolerance Network (ITN),
a group of 70 expert immunologists spanning multiple disciplines, has been
created to identify and promote the use of tolerogenic therapies in the cl
inic. Using a unique interactive approach designed to speed the development
of clinical tolerance therapies, the ITN is examining new and innovative t
herapeutic approaches and bioassays in a range of autoimmune diseases and t
ransplantation settings, as well as asthma and allergies. This work has bee
n funded by the National Institutes of Health (in collaboration with the Ju
venile Diabetes Foundation International).