Conformal mapping models are used to study the competition of noise and ani
sotropy in Laplacian growth. For this purpose, a family of models is introd
uced with the noise level and directional anisotropy controlled independent
ly. Fractalization is observed in both anisotropic growth and growth with v
arying noise. The fractal dimension is determined from the cluster size sca
ling with cluster area. For isotropic growth d=1.7, at both high and low no
ise. For anisotropic growth with reduced noise the dimension can be as low
as d=1.5 and apparently is not universal. Also, we study the fluctuations o
f particle areas and observe, in agreement with previous studies, that exce
ptionally large particles may appear during growth, leading to pathological
ly irregular clusters. This difficulty is circumvented by using an acceptan
ce window for particle areas.