A multi-beam method was used to calculate zonal, s(x), and meridional, s(y)
, nonlinear advective accelerations from the MU radar observations with the
antenna beam pointing in 9 directions. The results of simultaneous measure
ments of s(x) and s(y) in the tropo-stratosphere (altitudes 2 -- 18 km) and
in the mesosphere (65 -- 80 km) in April 1999 are presented. Short-period
variations of s(x) and s(y) may show regions of increased generation of atm
ospheric gravity waves. The wave generation increases with the increase in
the mean wind and have ma?;ima at the altitudes, where the maxima of tropos
pheric and mesospheric jets are located. The dependence of s(x) and s(y) on
the mean wind is weaker in the mesosphere than in the tropo-stratosphere.
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