We present an inductive algebraic approach to the systematic construction a
nd classification of generalized Calabi-Yau (CY) manifolds in different num
bers of complex dimensions based on Batyrev's formulation of CY manifolds a
s toric varieties in weighted complex projective spaces associated with ref
lexive polyhedra. We show how the allowed weight vectors in lower dimension
s may be extended to higher dimensions, emphasizing the roles of projection
and intersection in their dual description and the natural appearance of C
artan-Lie algebra structures. The 50 allowed extended four-dimensional vect
ors may he combined in pairs (triples) to form 22 (4) chains containing 90
(91) K3 spaces, of which 94 are distinct, and one further K3 space is found
using duality. In the case of CY3 spaces, pairs (triples) of the 10270 all
owed extended vectors yield 4242 (259) chains with K3 (elliptic) fibers con
taining 730 additional K3 polyhedra. A more complete study of CY3 spaces is
left for later work.