S. Cavallo, The origin of light: Ruptures and stability in the history of Turin surgeons during the seventeenth and eighteenth century, QUAD STOR, 36(1), 2001, pp. 59-90
The article investigated the patterns of geographical and social mobility w
hich characterize the experience of this under-investigated occupational gr
oup in a period in which its status was enhanced by recent achievements in
military surgery and anatomy, and by the new role surgeons acquired in hosp
itals, in the armies, in the service of the sovereign's household and munic
ipal 'surgeons of the poor'. The depositions of 89 shopmasters recorded dur
ing the visitation of 1695 provide the starting point for the analysis: the
statements can be seen as a sort of self-representation of the practitione
r, they include precious biographical detail on stages of his career and re
veal features of his professional experience he regards as evidence of cred
ibility and good reputation. The element which is systematically stressed i
s the territorial identity of the shop, the duration and continuity of the
practice not just in the same city but in the same neighborhood. This empha
sis on stability contrasts with the origin of surgeons, at least half of wh
om are foreigners who have moved to the city, in most cases, in youth. Orig
ins, however, do not play a great part in the depositions and more generall
y in the new life of surgeons, it is the new identity of 'surgeon in Turin'
which is stressed and the roots taken in the new environment which count m
ore that any original loyalty. It is argued that studies of migration have
paid disproportionate attention to the persistence of original ties in the
new reality and failed to recognize that severing past relationships and th
e creation of new bonds are a crucial component of the migrant's experience
. In the case of surgeons, it is the years of work 'with' or 'for' other su
rgeons, precedent to the opening of an independent shop, which offer the gr
eatest opportunities to redefine chances of social advance and professional
achievement. Youth and the first steps to career are therefore portrayed a
s a dynamic, often subversive, phase of individual initiative rather than a
n expression of family strategies. In this respect the experience of migran
ts to towns is not much different from that of young natives: biographical
reconstitutions show that within town too, the 'migration' of the youth to
a different neighborhood and into a new social and family network was often
the precondition of the surgeons success.