Despite much information on their catalytic properties and gene regulation,
we actually know very little of what matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) do i
n tissues. The catalytic activity of these enzymes has been implicated to f
unction in normal lung biology by participating in branching morphogenesis,
homeostasis, and repair, among other events. Overexpression of MMPs, howev
er, has also been blamed for much of the tissue destruction associated with
lung inflammation and disease. Beyond their role in the turnover and degra
dation of extracellular matrix proteins, MMPs also process, activate, and d
eactivate a variety of soluble factors, and seldom is it readily apparent b
y presence alone if a specific proteinase in an inflammatory setting is con
tributing to a reparative or disease process. An important goal of MMP rese
arch will be to identify the actual substrates upon which specific enzymes
act. This information, in turn, will lead to a clearer understanding of how
these extracellular proteinases function in lung development, repair, and