The annular ligament constriction is characterized by a disproportion betwe
en the available space and the contents within the fetlock tunnel. The main
symptoms are a persisting lameness, distention of the tendon sheath, a typ
ical <<notch>> when the fetlock is viewed from the side and a hyperflexion
pain in the fetlock. The surgical treatment consists of the transection of
the fetlock annular ligament. The conservative management can be considered
as a independent therapie or as a preparation for a subsequent desmotomy.
The medical records of 75 horses suffering from fetlock tunnel syndrome pre
sented at the Veterinary Surgery Clinic of the University of Zurich were st
udied. 39 horses with 41 affected limbs were reexamined clinically and ultr
asonographically. 70% of the surgical cases and 82% of the conservatively t
reated cases were judged to be sound. Altogether it can be said that the su
rgical case group had a success rate of 62% while the conservatively treate
d group showed a success rate of 58%.