The brown planthopper (BPH) is one of the most serious insect pests of rice
. In this study, we conducted a molecular marker-based genetic analysis of
the BPH resistance of 'B5', a highly resistant line that derived its resist
ant genes from the wild rice Oryza Officinalis. Insect resistance was evalu
ated using 250 F-3 families from a cross between 'B5' and 'Minghui 63', bas
ed on which the resistance of each F, plant was inferred. Two bulks were ma
de by mixing, respectively, DNA samples from highly resistant plants and hi
ghly susceptible plants selected from the F, population. The bulks were sur
veyed for restriction fragment length polymorphism using probes representin
g all 12 chromosomes at regular intervals. The survey revealed two genomic
regions on chromosome 3 and chromosome 4 respectively that contained genes
for BPH resistance. The existence of the two loci were further assessed by
QTL (quantitative trait locus) analysis, which resolved these two loci to a
14.3-cM interval on chromosome 3 and a 0.4-cM interval on chromosome 4. Co
mparison of the chromosomal locations and reactions to BPH biotypes indicat
ed that these two genes are different from at least nine of the ten previou
sly identified BPH resistance genes. Both of the genes had large effects on
BPH resistance and the two loci acted essentially independent of each othe
r in determining the resistance. These two genes may be a useful BPH resist
ance resource for rice breeding programs.