The optimized distance-based access methods currently available for multidi
mensional indexing in multimedia databases have been developed based on two
major assumptions: a suitable distance function is known a priori and the
dimensionality of the image features is low. It is not trivial to define a
distance function that best mimics human visual perception regarding image
similarity measurements. Reducing high-dimensional features in images using
the popular principle component analysis (PCA) might not always be possibl
e due to the non-linear correlations that may be present in the feature vec
tors. We propose in this paper a fast and robust hybrid method for non-line
ar dimensions reduction of composite image features for indexing in large i
mage database. This method incorporates both the PCA and non-linear neural
network techniques to reduce the dimensions of feature vectors so that an o
ptimized access method can be applied. To incorporate human visual percepti
on into our system, we also conducted experiments that involved a number of
subjects classifying images into different classes for neural network trai
ning. We demonstrate that not: only can our neural network system reduce th
e dimensions of the feature vectors, but that the reduced dimensional featu
re vectors can also be mapped to an optimized access method for fast and ac
curate indexing.