The propagation of small disturbances in a mixed convection boundary layer
pow over a horizontal plate is considered. Employing an asymptotic analysis
with respect to a small buoyancy parameter K = Gr/Re-2 a triple deck struc
ture of the perturbed pow field is found. Two effects contribute to the pre
ssure perturbation in the lower deck: The displacement of the outer field a
nd the buoyancy in the main deck. Linearizing the perturbation equations an
d taking the Fourier transform with respect to time and the coordinate para
llel to the wall the dispertion relation is derived. Considering the case t
hat the buoyancy induced pressure dominates the displacement induced pressu
re upstream travelling waves are found. These waves are confined to the bou
ndary-layer and exist only in the case of the flow over a cooled plate. Fur
thermore a stationary downstream growing mode exists which indicates that t
he solution of the boundary layer equations is not unique.