The group of metabolic myopathies includes glycogen storage diseases, lipid
storage diseases and mitochondrial diseases. While diagnostics of glycogen
and lipid storage diseases is done biochemically, most mitochondrial disor
ders can be diagnosed by genetical characterisation. Mitochondrial disorder
s are rare diseases, caused by alterations of the mitochondrial respiratory
chain. Most frequently the defects are caused by mutations of the mitochon
drial DNA. These can be divided into length variations (deletions, duplicat
ions) and DNA point mutations. Mostly they are maternally inherited, but sp
oradically appearing diseases are found as well. For the detection of delet
ions and duplications, southern blotting is commonly used, while point muta
tions are recognized by polymerase chain reaction in daily diagnostics. Cru
cial for successful examinations is first to find a reasonable tentative di
agnosis and then the choice of the suitable tissue for the assay.