Motivation: Gene expression microarray experiments can generate data sets w
ith multiple missing expression values. Unfortunately, many algorithms for
gene expression analysis require a complete matrix of gene array values as
input. For example, methods such as hierarchical clustering and K-means clu
stering are not robust to missing data, and may lose effectiveness even wit
h a few missing values. Methods for imputing missing data are needed, there
fore, to minimize the effect of incomplete data sets on analyses, and to in
crease the range of data sets to which these algorithms can be applied. In
this report, we investigate automated methods for estimating missing data.
Results: We present a comparative study of several methods for the estimati
on of missing values in gene microarray data. We implemented and evaluated
three methods: a Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) based method (SVDimpute
), weighted K-nearest neighbors (KNNimpute), and row average. We evaluated
the methods using a variety of parameter settings and over different real d
ata sets, and assessed the robustness of the imputation methods to the amou
nt of missing data over the range of 1-20% missing values. We show that KNN
impute appears to provide a more robust and sensitive method for missing va
lue estimation than SVDimpute, and both SVDimpute and KNNimpute surpass the
commonly used row average method las well as filling missing values with z
eros). We report results of the comparative experiments and provide recomme
ndations and tools for accurate estimation of missing microarray data under
a variety of conditions.