This study investigated the ontogeny of control of FSH secretion by inhibin
during early prepubertal development of bulls by 1) measurements of circul
ating levels of inhibin and FSH from 1 to 13 wk of age, and 2) immunoneutra
lization of endogenous inhibin at 7, 21, 60, and 120 days of age. In additi
on, production and localization of inhibin in testes were examined by immun
ohistochemistry and Western blots at 7, 21, 60, and 120 days of age. Plasma
immunoreactive inhibin levels were relatively low between 1 and 3 wk of ag
e and then showed a tendency to rise (P < 0.1) from 4 wk of age. Circulatin
g concentrations of FSH were low during 3 wk after birth and increased at 5
wk, remained high (P < 0.05) until 16 wk of age. Treatment with inhibin an
tiserum resulted in a significant (P < 0.05) increase in plasma FSH at 7, 2
1, 60, and 120 days of age compared to those following injection of control
serum; however, the magnitude of the FSH rise after inhibin immunization w
as greater as bulls aged. There were no significant changes in plasma LH af
ter inhibin immunization. An intense staining of inhibin alpha subunits was
found in Sertoli cells within the solid seminiferous cords from 7 to 120 d
ays of age, while no specific immune reaction was found in interstitial cel
ls. Western blot analysis of testicular homogenates isolated from bulls 7-1
20 days of age revealed presence of a 28.5-kDa molecule that cross-reacted
with inhibin or subunit and beta (B) subunit-specific antibodies. In this s
tudy, before 13 wk of age in bull calves, there was no inverse relationship
between plasma concentrations of immunoreactive inhibin and FSH. However,
the present immunization study clearly indicates that inhibin participates
in the regulation of FSH secretion from infancy to early prepubertal stage,
although the endocrine significance of inhibin becomes greater in older bu
lls. The results also indicate that the major production site of inhibin in
the testis is Sertoli cells and that these cells produce inhibin that exer
ts a negative feedback effect on FSH secretion from early stages of develop