It is argued that the differentiation between nationalism and patriotism pr
oposed in the literature can be seen as analogous to judgments based on dif
ferent types of comparisons: intergroup comparisons with other nations are
associated with intergroup behaviour that corresponds to nationalism wherea
s temporal or standard comparisons are linked with behaviour that correspon
ds to patriotism. Four studies (N=103, 107, 96 and 105) conducted in German
y and Britain examined the hypothesis that national identification and in-g
roup evaluation only show a reliable relationship with out-group rejection
under an intergroup comparison orientation. Participants were primed with e
ither an intergroup comparison, a temporal comparison or no explicit compar
ison orientation. A subsequent questionnaire assessed in-group town country
) identification, in-group evaluation (i.e, national pride) and rejection o
f national out-groups. Across all four studies, both in-group identificatio
n and in-group evaluation show a stranger correlation with out-group deroga
tion if participants were primed with an intergroup comparison orientation
compared to temporal and control conditions. Results are discussed with reg
ard to nationalism and patriotism as well as Hinkle and Brown's (1990) mode
l on relational vs. autonomous orientations.