When people lift objects of different size but equal weight. they initially
employ too much force for the large object and too little force for the sm
all object. However, over repeated lifts of the two objects, they learn to
suppress the size-weight association used to estimate force requirements an
d appropriately scale their lifting forces to the true and equal weights of
the objects. Thus, sensorimotor memory from previous lifts comes to domina
te visual size information in terms of force prediction. Here we ask whethe
r this sensorimotor memory is transient, preserved only long enough to perf
orm the task, or more stable. After completing an initial lift series in wh
ich they lifted equally weighted large and small objects in alternation, pa
rticipants then repeated the lift series after delays of 15 minutes or 24 h
ours. In both cases, participants retained information about the weights of
the objects and used this information to predict the appropriate fingertip
forces. This preserved sensorimotor memory suggests that participants acqu
ired internal models of the size-weight stimuli that could be used for late
r prediction.