Three primocane-fruiting cultivars were grown over 14 location/years (envir
onments) to assess their relative yield stability using three different sta
tistical models. The models varied in their definition of stability and som
etimes produced conflicting results. In general, ranking of the three culti
vars from most to least stable was Heritage, Redwing and Autumn Bliss. Alth
ough Redwing and Autumn Bliss had better productivity than Heritage, both c
ultivars had a large portion of genotype x environment variance attributed
to unpredictable elements according to some stability analyses. This variat
ion was characterized by large and significant deviations from linearity. N
o single model adequately characterized stability in these cultivars. The t
hree cultivars varied in productivity across the 14 environments, with Heri
tage always yielding less than the two other cultivars.