Background: It: has long been suspected that Canadian Inuit children suffer
from frequent severe lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs), but the c
auses and risk factors have not been documented. This study assessed the in
fectious causes and other epidemiologic factors that may contribute to the
severity of LRTI in young Inuit children on Baffin Island.
Methods: A prospective case study was carried out at the Baffin Regional Ho
spital in Iqaluit, Nunavut, of infants less than 6 months of age, who were
admitted to hospital between October 1997 and lune 1998 with a diagnosis of
LRTI. Immunofluorescent antibody testing was used to identify respiratory
viruses, and enzyme immunoassay (EIA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) w
ere used to test for Chlamydia trachomatis. Demographic and risk factor dat
a were obtained through a questionnaire.
Results: The annualized incidence rate of admission to hospital for bronchi
olitis at Baffin Regional Hospital was 484 per 1000 infants who were less t
han 6 months of age; 12% of the infants were intubated. Probable pathogens
were identified for 18 of the 27 cases considered in our study. A single ag
ent was identified for 14 infants: 8 had respiratory syncytial virus, 2 ade
novirus, 1 rhinovirus, 1 influenza A, 1 parainfluenza 3 and 1 had cytomegal
ovirus. For 4 infants, 2 infectious agents were identified: these were ente
rovirus and Bordetella pertussis, adenovirus and enterovirus, cytomegalovir
us and respiratory syncytial virus, and respiratory syncytial virus and ade
novirus. C. trachomatis was not identified by either EIA or PCR. All infant
s were exposed to maternal smoking in utero, second-hand smoke at home and
generally lived in crowded conditions.
Interpretation: Inuit infants in the Baffin Region suffer from an extremely
high rate of hospital admissions for LRTI. The high frequency and severity
of these infections calls for serious public health attention.