We used macrofossil analyses to reconstruct the long-term development of pl
ant assemblages and the history of fire events in a bog in southern Quebec
which was partly disturbed by peat mining activities and recently restored.
Our main objectives were to (i) determine to what extent thr present-day p
lant assemblage of an unmined sector of the bog resembles thr plant assembl
ages that have been reconstructed for different periods of the ecosystem's
development, (ii) establish the frequency of fire events and their impacts
on plant assemblages, and (iii) interpret the results from the restoration
experiment by considering the natural development of the peatland over rece
nt millennia. Throughout the ombrotrophic stage of the peatland's developme
nt, plant assemblages have been stable and do not seem to differ strongly f
rom those observed today in the unmined sector of the bog. Consequently, th
e present-day plant assemblage of the unmined sector could be considered a
good reference to evaluate the restoration success of the mined area. The b
og landscape was characterized by significant tree cover dominated by black
spruce for almost its entire period of development. Consequently, a restor
ation experiment resulting in Sphagnum-dominated vegetation with a dense bl
ack spruce cover in the near future should not be considered a failure. Mac
rofossil analyses suggest that postfire vegetation succession occurring in
the study site and elsewhere is similar to that resulting from restoration
experiments conducted in eastern Canadian bugs. In both casts, the input of
nutrients (biomass burning or artificial fertilization) strongly stimulate
s the growth of Polytrichum strictum colonies, which are rapidly overgrown
by Sphagnum colonies in burned bogs. Therefore, it is possible that the res
toration method used in eastern Canada will result in rapid vegetation succ
ession culminating in a Sphagnum-dominated peatland. This case study shows
that a detailed reconstruction of the history of a site is a valuable tool
for clearly establishing the goals of a restoration program.