Since 1996, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has d
eveloped several food-matrix Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) characteri
zed for nutrient concentrations. These include SRM 1544 Fatty Acids and Cho
lesterol in a Frozen Diet Composite, SRM 1546 Meat Homogenate, SRM 1548a Ty
pical Diet, SRM 1566b Oyster Tissue, SRM 1846 Infant Formula, and SRM 2383
Baby Food Composite. Three additional materials - SRM 1946 Lake Superior Fi
sh Tissue, SRM 2384 Baking Chocolate, and SRM 2385 Spinach - are in prepara
tion. NIST also recently assigned values for proximate (fat, protein, etc.)
, individual fatty acid, and total dietary fiber concentrations in a number
of existing SRMs and reference materials (RMs) that previously had values
assigned for their elemental composition. NIST has used several modes for a
ssignment of analyte concentrations in the food-matrix RMs, including the u
se of data provided by collaborating laboratories, alone and in combination
with NIST data. The use of data provided by collaborating food industry an
d contract laboratories for the analysis of food-matrix RMs has enabled NIS
T to provide assigned values for many analytes that NIST does not have the
resources or analytical expertise to measure.