The results of preliminary investigations on the possible relationships bet
ween coastal upwelling variability observed with satellite remote sensing,
and sardine and horse mackerel recruitment dynamics in the west coast of Po
rtugal are presented. The analysis of a sardine-recruitment time-series fur
the period 1976-1998 shows that there has been a decreasing trend since 19
83 (with the exceptions of 1991 and 1992), the years from 1993-1995 represe
nting the lowest values in that time series. Horse mackerel exhibited a dec
rease from 1986 until 1990. and from 1992-1995, the latter representing the
lowest value For the period 1986-1998. Sea surface temperature (SST) deriv
ed From satellite data were used to compute monthly SST upwelling indices a
long the Portuguese west coast over a period from 1987-1997. The analysis f
ocused on seasonal and annual upwelling variability of Portugal, and its po
ssible effects on sardine and horse mackerel recruitment to the fishery. An
increasing trend in SST upwelling indices during the winter (January-March
). especially between 1992 and 1995 was found. The upwelling events observe
d off Portugal during winter months, which correspond to the spawning seaso
n for sardine and horst: mackerel, had a negative impact on the recruitment
of these fish species. This effect on recruitment could be due to an incre
ase in conditions favourable to the offshore transport of larvae and conseq
uently an increase in their mortality. Prior to 1992, when no upwelling eve
nts occurred during winter, recruitment dynamics was closely linked with th
e spring-summer seasonal upwelling variability off the Portuguese west coas
t. (C) 2001 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea.