Long-range dependence is regarded as a fundamental property of network traf
fic, Using an original approach, cre incorporate this property in a traffic
control mechanism for elastic connections that can adapt to the instantane
ous network load in a differentiated services-type framework. In this scena
rio, the network makes predictions of bandwidth requirements of the high-pr
iority traffic and returns feedback information to the elastic source. We i
nclude a prediction compensation algorithm that compensates for the larger
prediction errors for connections with longer roundtrip delay, and analyze
the performance of this algorithm. The specific topology involved in traffi
c control for differentiated services is thus harnessed, together with the
long-range: dependence, to improve network performance, thereby counteracti
ng the undesirable characteristics of self-similarity. Furthermore, an adap
tive version of the rate-based control algorithm is studied, based on the u
se of real-time estimates of traffic parameters, including the mean, varian
ce, and Hurst parameter.