This paper presents an evolutionary algorithm for the robust motion control
ler design in mechatronics systems using a genetic algorithm (GA). The moti
on control system is composed of a robust 2-degrees-of-freedom compensator
based on the coprime factorization description. Conventional controller des
ign approaches to the optimization for compensator-free parameters essentia
lly require complicated numerical procedures under the given control specif
ications, In this research, a simple and practical algorithm for the compen
sator design for motion control systems has been proposed. Using the optimi
zation ability of the GA, the proposed algorithm is able to autonomously tu
ne the optimal combination of the compensator-free parameters to satisfy th
e specified motion control performance. The effectiveness of the proposed o
ptimal design can be verified by experiments using a prototype, paying atte
ntion to the system robustness against variations of mechanical parameters
and the fast convergence of the optimization by the GA.