Objective: Renal replacement therapy (RRT) is essential for maintenance of
life for those with end-stage renal disease. However, there remain many are
as of uncertainty about which method of RRT should be chosen. This paper re
ports an economic model based on a systematic review that attempts to deter
mine which method of dialysis, continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (C
APD) or hemodialysis, a patient should have as the initial method of RRT.
Methods: A systematic review and a costing exercise carried out in a Scotti
sh hospital were used to populate a Markov model. Scenario analysis was use
d to model plausible variations in variables included in the model.
Results: In 8 of the 16 scenarios developed hemodialysis dominated CAPD. In
a further eight scenarios, the cost per life-year displayed considerable v
ariability, ranging from between pound5,000 to pound 51,000. The higher cos
ts per life-year were associated with minimum estimates of additional survi
val for a patient starting RRT on hospital hemodialysis.
Conclusion: It may be more cost-effective to manage patients starting on RR
T with hospital hemodialysis than CAPD. This has particular implications fo
r the United Kingdom, given that up to 50% of new patients receive CAPD.