The creep deformation resistance and rupture life of high Cr ferritic steel
with a tempered martensitic lath structure are critically reviewed on the
basis of experimental data. Special attention is directed to the following
three subjects: creep mechanism of the ferritic steel, its alloy design for
further strengthening, and loss of its creep rupture strength after long-t
erm use.
The high Cr ferritic steel is characterized by its fine subgrain structure
with a high density of free dislocations within the subgrains. The dislocat
ion substructure is the most densely distributed obstacle to dislocation mo
tion in the steel. Its recovery controls creep rate and rupture life at ele
vated temperatures. Improvement of creep strength of the steel requires a f
ine subgrain structure with a high density of free dislocations. A sufficie
nt number of pinning particles (MX particles in subgrain interior and M23C6
particles on sub-boundaries) are necessary to cancel a large driving force
for recovery due to the high dislocation density. Coarsening and agglomera
tion of the pinning particles have to be delayed by an appropriate alloy de
sign of the steel.
Creep rupture strength of the high Cr ferritic steel decreases quickly afte
r long-term use. A significant improvement of creep rupture strength can be
achieved if we can prevent the loss of rupture strength. In the steel temp
ered at high temperature, enhanced recovery of the subgrain structure along
grain boundaries is the cause of the premature failure and the consequent
loss of rupture strength. However, the scenario is not always applicable. F
urther studies are needed to solve this important problem of high Cr ferrit
ic steel. MX particles are necessary to retain a fine subgrain structure an
d to achieve the excellent creep strength of the high Cr ferritic steel. St
rengthening mechanism of the MX particles is another important problem left