We determined the gross rates of nitrification and nitrate immobilization i
n soil using a N-15-nitrate isotope dilution technique. We also measured th
e amounts of nitrate immobilization and denitrification simultaneously by c
ombining the acetylene inhibition technique and mass balance of nitrate. Th
e immobilization rate of nitrate was enhanced by about 2 orders of magnitud
e by the addition of straw, while it did not increase significantly by the
addition of manure. The denitrification rate in soil under anaerobic condit
ions was remarkably enhanced in the presence of straw, and enhancement of d
enitrification was also observed to some extent by the addition of manure o
r bark manure. In the soils treated with straw, the immobilization rate of
nitrate under aerobic conditions was 24% of the denitrification rate under
anaerobic conditions. Effect of water addition on nitrate immobilization an
d denitrification in soil was investigated in the presence or absence of st
raw. The amount of nitrate immobilization in the soils with straw did not c
hange drastically with the moisture content, while that of denitrification
changed by 2 or 3 orders of magnitude with the moisture content between 54-
84% of the maximum water-holding capacity of soil irrespective of straw add