Background: The anti-elevation syndrome is an adverse outcome of anterior t
ransposition of the inferior oblique muscle. The presumed cause is an exces
sive anti-elevating force vector that occurs with attempted elevation in ab
duction. This causes apparent overaction of the contralateral inferior obli
que muscle due to fixation duress. It has been suggested that excessive res
idual extorsion may help explain this phenomenon. Methods: Fundus photograp
hs to assess torsion were evaluated by masked observers in 18 patients who
had undergone anterior transposition of the inferior oblique muscle. Eight
of the patients were found to have the anti-elevation syndrome and 10 were
not. Results: Patients with the anti-elevation syndrome had more extorsion
(mean, 16.6 degrees +/- 3.4 degrees) than the patients who did not have the
anti-elevation syndrome (mean, 8.8 degrees +/- 2.3 degrees). This differen
ce was significant (P<.0001). In addition, 2 patients who initially did not
show the anti-elevation syndrome were found to have an increase in their f
undus extorsion after they subsequently developed the anti-elevation syndro
me. Two patients who had the anti-elevation syndrome showed a marked decrea
se in fundus extorsion after the anti-elevation syndrome was surgically eli
minated by converting the anterior transposition to a simple recession. Con
clusion: The presence of substantial extorsion may contribute to the cause
of the anti-elevation syndrome after inferior oblique muscle anterior trans
position. Lateral pla cement of the posterior (lateral) corner of the infer
ior oblique muscle at the time of surgery may cause substantial extorsion a
fter surgery.