The force required to insert a tool into a medium is of major interest for
the design and automation of earthmoving machinery. The present work review
s previous investigations on forces encountered during earthmoving processe
s by cyclic (but nonrotary) excavation machines. The objective is to integr
ate the formulation for cutting and penetrating forces to those for excavat
ion. Common practices for characterizing an unfrozen medium and the associa
ted tool actions are discussed, followed by a general overview of various m
odels describing earthmoving tasks of penetration, cutting, and excavation.
Observation and analysis of cutting and excavation models reveals that the
re is not a common ground for their validation, but it also identifies a co
re of key parameters, reduced in number and essential to any further excava
tion model. The paper suggests a normalized experimental verification and c
omparison of the models before they can be further used.